Meet Charlie Mc Coach

Growing with the Bank

Meet Charlie, Banking Center Manager in Melbourne. Charlie joined Marine Bank five years ago as an assistant manager, helping to open the bank’s first location in Brevard County. His banking knowledge includes both commercial lending and personal banking. But it is his congenial personality that won him a promotion to Bank Center Manager in 2021. 

What attracted Charlie to a career in the financial industry is what keeps him in it - the reward of helping individuals and business owners find financial solutions that ease their lives.

Having worked in larger institutions and a credit union, Charlie says "working for a community bank is the way to go. It has the feel of a credit union where the focus is local, community engagement is high and the CEO is accessible...and has the products and services of larger financial institutions."

Charlie's ability to connect with people is influenced by growing up in a military family. As a result of Charlie's father's 35-year Coast Guard career, Charlie grew up in Hawaii, Virginia, California, Washington state, and finally Florida in 2002.

Outside of work you'll find Charlie on the road traveling to find the best fishing, attend concerts with friends and family. Or, back at home, relaxing and enjoying his favorite food - ice cream.